Health & Safety
The health and safety of our customers and their clients is even more than a priority for us. It underpins all our values and is a critical factor in our decision-making processes, business practices and daily acts.
Our values of peak performance, absolute dependability and continuous improvement resonate through all aspects of the business, ensuring that we produce only the highest quality of work that puts our customers and their safety first.
Having implemented thousands of plumbing solutions for our customers over the last 20 years, we have organically developed robust policies, procedures and processes that allow our employees to work to their highest potential without sacrificing safety or workmanship.
We are committed to a healthy and safe work as well as Continuous Improvement. Therefore we are committed to:
Apply and continually improve our Health and Safety Management Systems
Comply with legal requirements and regulations, standards and industry codes of practice applicable to our operations
Identify hazards, register, assess and control risks with a systematic approach
Develop objectives and programs to achieve them
Inform, train and maintain the competencies of our employees
Integrate health and safety into contractor management, including procurement decisions
Provide and maintain safe plant and systems of work, keep the workplace in a safe, healthy and tidy condition
Consult and engage our employees and contractors, promote leadership and teamwork, encourage shared vigilance
Engage our employees and contractors to promote teamwork and continual improvement in health and safety performance
Management is accountable for the implementation and review of this policy and its commitments. Every employee, contractor and visitor must comply with it as well as all the rules on site.
Safety is a condition of employment; unsafe behaviours will not be tolerated.
We are committed to ensure resources and the proper organisation to come even closer to the goal of zero injury and zero work-related illness.